Useful... Internet Safety
Hello, dear readers! Surely, after using the Windows 7 operating system for a long time, you have become bored with the standard image, which...
The operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7, replaced the failed Vista. And almost all users and IT specialists unanimously claim that this is...
Windows malfunctions, emergency shutdown of the computer, experiments with software for managing disk space, the consequences of viruses - these and...
Sometimes it happens that users' computers experience problems after the latest Windows 10 update. The operating system has performed a so-called “big”...
The Omnia M GT-S7530 smartphone from Samsung is made in a classic case. The phone runs on the MS Windows Phone 7.5 operating system. Phone dimensions:...
According to statistics, Windows Media Player is used by more than 30% of Windows users. Microsoft has eliminated almost all the shortcomings in...
World of Tanks made a splash in the world of online games, and therefore the developers rushed to release a version for mobile devices. The game World of Tanks Blitz was released in...
Many users, in order to protect their information from prying eyes, set an administrator password for their Windows account. Some people...
A driver is a program that is necessary for the operating system and various software applications to interact with hardware devices connected to...
7-Zip is a free file archiver with a high degree of data compression. Supports multiple compression algorithms and many data formats, including native...
The range of Wi-Fi routers is gradually expanding. If in the first time of their existence the number of models was only a few, now there are about a hundred...
Surely, many who have an Android computer tablet have thought about distributing the Internet via a Wi-Fi network to other devices. For example, your tablet is connected to...